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UK to South Africa 23 Weeks - Visa Information

Visa and Passport
Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months after finishing the trip with one clear page for each country visited, plus seven extra pages. You’ll need to bring passport size photos and photocopies of your passport photo page. Consider starting your trip with a larger size passport, if your country doesn't issue a large passport consider getting a second passport.

UK to Accra - 14 blank pages
UK to Cape Town - 30 blank pages
UK to Nairobi - 40 blank pages
UK to Cairo - 45 blank pages
Cape Town to Cairo & vv - 20 blank pages
Nairobi to Cairo & vv -12 blank pages
Accra to Cape Town - 14 blank pages

You might need you to get some visas before departure, we will advise you on booking.
Visas cost and where to get them
Visa are paid for in either; £, US$, € or local currency. The US$ amount is shown for simplicity.

UK to Cape Town
Morocco –  most nationalities don’t need one but SA must get it beforehand
Mauritania – on route US$135
Senegal – US$60
Sierra Leone – US$80
Guinea Bissau – on route US$40
Liberia – on route US$150
The Gambia – mostly visa free
Guinea – US$85/110
Cote d’Ivoire – US$65
Ghana – before departure
Togo – on route US$60
Benin – on route US$40
Nigeria – on route USA & UK US$180, Australia & NZ US$75
Cameroon – on route US$120
Gabon – on route US$100
Congo – on route US$125
DR Congo – on route US$250
Angola – on route US$150
Namibia – Australia, NZ, UK, Canada, most EU, & USA do not need one
South Africa – Australia, NZ, Canada, EU, & USA do not need one.

Nile Expedition from SA
South Africa - Australia, NZ, Canada, EU, & USA do not need one.
Lesotho - Australia, NZ, Canada, EU, & USA do not need one.
Eswatini Australia, NZ, Canada, EU, & USA do not need one.
Botswana - on route most free.
Zimbabwe- on route US$30 to US$75
Mozambique - on route US$72 
Malawi - on route free
Tanzania - on route US$50 to US$100
Kenya - on route, on line US$30
Uganda - on route, US$50 to 100
Rwanda - on route, free to US$30
Burundi - on route

Nile Expedition from Kenya
Kenya – before departure US$30
Uganda – on route, US$50 to 100
Rwanda – on route, free to US$30
Ethiopia – on route US$50 to US$85
Djibouti – on route $23
Egypt – on route US$30

Visa prices often change

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